Getting an accurate quote from suburbs movers

Relocation to suburbs is a task that is very stressful and time-consuming if you try to do it on your own. This is why many people decide to hire professional movers. The only thing you will have to worry about when you hire movers is getting an accurate quote from suburbs movers. You do not want to be overcharged by your movers. There are ways you can find a reliable moving company that will not cost you too much. Continue reading “Getting an accurate quote from suburbs movers”

How to avoid unwanted long distance moving expenses

We all know that moving is a stressful process for most people. Besides that, it can be quite expensive, depending on the way you decide to move. When you are moving long-distance, you need to avoid unwanted long-distance moving expenses. In order to avoid the necessary expenses, you have to know what to expect during your relocation. Continue reading “How to avoid unwanted long distance moving expenses”

Know the difference between binding and non-binding moving estimate

Whether you’re moving long-distance or somewhere near your neighborhood, moving estimate is something you should research well. Before you consider hiring professional movers, you need to know the difference between binding and non-binding moving estimate. Not only because of moving your stuff, but to avoid moving scams while relocating. Read our article and find out the difference between moving estimates and choose the right for you. If you’re looking for a reliable moving company to relocate your things, choose Clinton movers, and avoid moving scams and extra costs. Continue reading “Know the difference between binding and non-binding moving estimate”

Downsides of friends relocating you around Chicago

Relocation can be quite expensive, so it is reasonable that we are trying to save a little money on every corner. The most effective way to save is to have your friends helping you to move. You will probably save on packing and relocating some items with friend’s help, but make sure to understand the downsides of friends relocating you.  Continue reading “Downsides of friends relocating you around Chicago”

Chicago moving preparation timeline

Moving to Chicago soon and you want to organize the whole moving process and relocate by yourself? It is absolutely possible to successfully complete the move yourself, but you need to get well organized and follow certain steps. Therefore, we will show you how to create your Chicago moving preparation timeline schedule and relocate like a real professional. No matter how difficult moving to Chicago is, our easy week-by-week steps will help you relocate without stress and prepare for moving ahead of time. If you want to avoid moving scams and issues, stick to the schedule and be persistent. Let’s start!

Create Chicago moving preparation timeline schedule

About 3 to at least 2 months before moving, create your Chicago moving preparation schedule. You can write down the schedule on a piece of paper, make some notes on your smartphone or buy one of those fancy notebooks with a calendar and schedule columns. Mark week by week until the moving day and fill the columns with important tasks you need to complete each week.

Weekly plan - a calendar will help with making an Chicago moving preparation timeline
Making Chicago moving preparation timeline plan can help you organize the whole moving process like a professional and relocate without issues.

Calculate all moving expenses and prepare the moving budget. Research reliable and affordable moving companies. Decide what you don’t want to relocate and donate or sell it to earn some money. These are the first tasks to obtain. And if you need more space to store your household until the moving day, check storage facilities in suburbs.

8 weeks before the move

According to your Chicago moving preparation schedule, it’s about 8 weeks before the move. It’s the right time to get rid of all the old, damaged and items you don’t use from the attic, basement or storage. Make an inventory of things you want to keep, donate, sell and throw away. If you’re moving on a tight budget, consider moving fewer items, and get rid of all worn out things.

Another important task is to find reliable movers. Go online and search for moving companies with positive reviews. Choose one ahead of time and move off-peak season to save money! But don’t forget to request an estimate of moving costs in paper. Relocate to another Chicago neighborhood soon? Learn how to sell your Chicago home the fastest way

6 weeks before the move

Traffic in Chicago is one of the worst in America. This is why you need to know how to properly prepare for moving to Chicago. Your Chicago moving preparation schedule says it’s 6 weeks before the move. You need to complete the following tasks:

Ask your movers about the items that are not allowed to transport and find other solution

  • Prepare your children for moving and transfer their school’s paperwork
  • Visit your vet with pets to get medical records and prepare them for transport
  • Get packing materials, cardboard boxes, bubble wrapping, packing paper, cloths, vacuum bags and other
  • Get free moving boxes from your friends and neighbors, or find them at the local liquor store
  • Plan a garage sale if you have some valuable items in a good condition
man carrying moving boxes into the house
About 6 weeks before the moving day, decide what you want to pack and gather packing materials and various sized moving boxes.

4 weeks before the move

Two weeks before the move, use up all food that you don’t want to move and empty the refrigerator and freezer. If you’re moving any pets and plants make arrangements, plan their transport because movers usually don’t relocate them.

a picture of signing a contract
About a month before moving, consult with your movers and take the right moving insurance.

Finish changing the address and notify banks and credit cards of your new location. Think about setting up the Internet, cable, telephone, gas, electricity, water and others in your new home.

2 weeks before the move

About 2 weeks before the move, pack all non-essentials and label moving boxes. Make sure to dispose of any items that can’t be moved such as cleaning materials, propane, or paint. Once you pack things into moving boxes, clean thoroughly all house. Ask your friends or family members to help you. Don’t forget to call your moving company and sign a contract about moving insurance. Moving insurance will provide guaranteed safety to your household during relocation.

A week before the move

Chicago moving preparation timeline schedule says it’s only a week before moving day. You will certainly feel very nervous and stressed no matter how successfully performed all tasks about moving. But you don’t need to rush, there is still enough time to complete all steps. This is the time to finish packing and pack an essential kit with items you’ll need right away at a new place. Call your movers to confirm the exact time and conditions of moving services. Clean all appliances and empty the fridge. Leave only essential things in your house until the moving day.

a handshake after home purchasing
A week before the moving day, reconfirm the exact time, and terms and conditions with the moving company you’ve chosen.

Hire a professional moving company

You can get many benefits of hiring a moving and a storage company. Sometimes we are not able to move by ourselves, especially when it comes to last-minute and long-distance moving. In that case, hiring professional movers can relocate your household easily without stress. Movers have long experience, required equipment and the moving truck, and also the best packing supplies to relocate the most fragile and expensive items. Local movers usually charge around $25 per hour per mover. But if you’re moving on long-distance, the price can jump to around $2000 for an average weight of 3000 lbs. Make sure to prepare the moving budget for all expenses.

Moving day – the most important Chicago moving preparation timeline date

A moving day is the most important date in your Chicago moving preparation timeline note. If you’ve followed all the steps above, the moving day will pass without stress. There are still a few things to consider on your moving day. Make sure to keep all important documents and valuables with you. Before the movers come, check if you’ve packed everything and if something is missing. When the movers arrive, show them boxes with fragile items. Check the bill and an inventory before shipping to a new location.

How to pack more efficiently for the move

Moving is a perfect time to apply every hack you have ever heard regarding packing. It is crucial to pack more efficiently for the move in order to save time, money and space. Also, the entire relocation process will be less stressful once you realize that you have pack efficiently and avoid moving mistakes, usually for every beginner relocation.

Planning and organizing

Before you start with the long and often very boring process of packing your belongings, you need to plan ahead. This is the beginning of every move and it will definitely help you to pack more efficiently for the move. This step also involves choosing from moving companies Upper West Side, the one you will use for your relocation. Leave enough time to do proper research and to contact them for the written estimate. It will allow you to plan your budget better.

Planning, besides budgeting and deciding on reliable Chicago moving company, also requires getting the packing supplies. This is a significant step for a stress-free move. If you try hard to pack more efficiently for the move, you need to have durable moving boxes and other packing essentials.

Choose the right packing supplies

When you begin with moving preparations, you will soon realize that there are a few ways to save money. Moving boxes are just one example of that. You can go to local stores, supermarkets or any other neighborhood business and try to find some free cardboard boxes. This will be alright for a nearby move, or for packing lighter items. For anything that is heavy, like books, you need to have quality moving boxes.

Moving boxes come in various shapes and sizes, depending on the items you want to pack. There is a huge difference between moving boxes and free store boxes. The biggest difference lies in durability. Moving boxes are made from hardy, durable material. Their purpose is to survive transport and handling while relocating. They will cost you more, but there is less chance of damage during moving. 

Tips for how to pack more efficiently for the move

Once you have finished the first phase of planning and supplying, you are ready for some easy packing tips. 

First and most important is to declutter for relocation. There is no point to pack and move items you are not going to use any more. Take out your clothes and sort everything in three piles. Things you are packing and keeping, the second pile is for clothes you are donating or giving away and the third pile will be for garbage. Throw away everything you haven’t worn in a while. This is also applicable to other items and decorations.

  • Pack room by room
  • Decide what you will pack first and what you are packing the last
  • Pack clothes by rolling them
  • Pack a moving bag
  • Leave halls clear for passing through and one other area clear from packing materials and boxes

Pack one room at the time

It is completely up to you how long will you pack an entire house or apartment. Some people are less stressed if they pack as fast as they can. Make sure that you are packing room by room. Start wherever you want, preferably with packing your pantry, basement or garage. Then continue with the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room and others. It doesn’t have to be in this particular order. The main thing to remember is to stay in one room. If you start to pack everything at the same time, you won’t be able to pack more efficiently for the move. 

Furnished bedroom
A bedroom is a room that you use all the time so it should be packed in the end.

Try to clean once you finish packing. Pack your bedroom, place everything you have packed in one corner or side of a room and quickly remove the trash left from packing. Pack more efficiently for the move while saving time. 

What you will pack first and what stays till the end

Like we already said, some people will pack in a hurry and some people will be packing for days or even weeks. To decide what to pack first is especially important if you will be packing longer. 

Have in mind that some things you will need to use right until your moving day. Guided by this thought, you can start to pack the rooms you are using the least. Rooms yo are using frequently will be the ones you will pack the last. The bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen are usually packed last. Also, when you are loading a moving truck, boxes yo are loading first will be the ones you will unload the last. So you need to organize your belongings and give the movers instructions which items they will load first.

Tip for packing your clothes

Try this tip, especially if you have a large family. Families of four, five or more people have a lot of clothes so they should pack more efficiently for the move and any type of trip. One very smart way to pack your clothes is to roll them instead of folding them. You will save a lot of space and also you’ll keep your clothes flat and unwrinkled. 

Folded clothes in a pile
There is a big difference in the way you are packing your clothes when you are moving. Folding will take more room than rolling your clothes.

You can first try with one bag and see how much it will fit inside. But, trust us and immediately start packing your clothes. See for yourself how fast and space-saving it will be.

Pack a bag for moving day

Prepare for moving day and make it easy by packing a moving bag. It should have everything you might need during a move. Bring food, snacks, drinks, a change of clothes and also a wallet. Check if you brought keys, money and credit cards, so you don’t have to go back and forward. Or you can use a box with essentials for moving instead of a bag. 

Duffel bag - Pack more efficiently for the move and always bring moving bag like this one
A moving bag will store everything you need during the moving day.

This bag can also have clean clothes to change if you have spilled something or sweated during moving.

This is great way to pack more efficiently for the move and stay as relaxed as possible.

Step-by-step commercial relocation checklist

Office move requires more planning and organizing than regular house moving. There is a lot to think about when relocating. It is useful to follow a commercial relocation checklist, made with the help of experienced professionals. Begin planning in time, the sooner the better. 

Continue reading “Step-by-step commercial relocation checklist”

How to pack toys when moving long distance

Children, especially small ones, don’t understand what moving means. The thing they do understand is when you take away their toys. This is why moving is hard to explain to kids, and packing their bedroom and toys even harder. If kids can’t find their toys they usually get upset, angry and sad. So, where to start if you’re moving with kids? You need to pack toys when moving long distance and deal with kids being attached to their favorite toys. If you need help with relocating and packing kids’ toys, check out our tips! And if you need more space to store bulky furniture from your kids’ room during relocation, check out storage facilities in suburbs. Continue reading “How to pack toys when moving long distance”

Best ways to find reliable moving company

Finding reliable moving company for your move is very important but not an easy task. There are many different moving companies around the internet and they all look genuine online. However, that is certainly not the case. And it would be fair to say that it has become pretty hard to find a reliable moving service suburbs in recent years. Fraudulent moving companies are taking advantage of this situation, where there are not enough moving companies to satisfy their needs. And laws and regulations regarding the moving industry are not adequate for the current situation. But not only are fraudulent companies a problem, but also sloppy and irresponsible companies. There are so many clients, and they are rushing to get more work done.  So, if you want to find a reliable moving company you will need to do some research. Continue reading “Best ways to find reliable moving company”

Creative ideas for a housewarming party in Chicago

Thinking about throwing a housewarming party after moving to suburbs? Great idea! Hosting a housewarming party when you move to Chicago is a great chance to meet new friends and neighbors and expand your social circle. But living in Chicago means probably no backyard and a small apartment. This is why you need to discover creative ideas for a housewarming party in Chicago! Check out our ideas and throw a party to remember! Continue reading “Creative ideas for a housewarming party in Chicago”

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