Create a Halloween costume with leftover packing supplies

All the moving craze has finally passed. You have managed to get the last box unpacked, and officially found a place for the items inside. We can go even so far as to say that you made the place into a true home. All that is left of your former life are the boxes and other packing supplies lying around. You can choose to toss them, donate or recycle. We believe that the latter is the most fun option, as it evokes creativity. One of the ideas that come to mind is the creation of a perfect Halloween costume with leftover packing supplies. If you like where this is going, do continue with the read.

As the summer draws to a close, and the festive season is approaching, the time is great to prepare for one of the favorite holidays – Halloween. If a Chelsea moving company was handling your relocation, chances are you are left with some of the finest packing materials. This can only mean quality costume. Now, since we have the materials covered, let’s see what can be made.

Kids in costumes going trick-or-treating.
Let’s see how much candy can these costumes collect.

Arguably the best toy ever made

We are, of course, talking about LEGOs. Now, we know that this is a blog assertion based on subjective reasoning rather than on scientific findings. However, we still stand by it. Creating a LEGO Halloween costume with leftover packing supplies will be the easiest thing.

Simply take the biggest box you have, and paint it in a color you prefer. You will then take a smaller box, cut an even number of circles. Proceed with cutting the same number of rectangles. The length of their longer side should correspond with the circumference of the circles. You would then fold them into circles, and stick one end to the cardboard cutouts. What you ought to get is an even number of cylinders with one side open. Paint them in the same color as the box. Stick them to the box, making sure that the closed side is outwards. In addition, try your best to follow the approximate proportions of the original bricks. You do want, after all, to resemble the inspiration as much as possible. Once that is done, you can make holes for arms on the side, and one on the front for your face.

An idea for a group costume

If you moved with your whole family, and they are all up for matching costumes, do we have an idea for you! Tetris pieces that fit together! To make it Haloween appropriate, color the pieces in orange, gray and green. Now, as for the crafting:
  1. use the boxes of same size and units that you will stick together
  2. to ensure a snug fit, cut the box lids opposite of each other as you piece them together
  3. use packing tape to enhance stability
  4. after you have finalized the shapes, use spray adhesive to stick the colored paper to the boxes (if you have adequate space, you can also spay them)
  5. optionally use black tape to divide the units for that authentic Tetris look
An old gameboy
Recreate a game adored by making a Halloween costume with packing supplies.

A timeless classic

While some of the materials can be used for decorating your new home, we believe that making a Halloween costume with leftover packing supplies can be a better choice, especially if it puts a smile on your kid’s face. And all kids like robots, right? However, putting an extra effort here is super important. Let’s face it, no one wants to wear a box and pretend they are cool, regardless of age. For this reason, we suggest that you go the extra mile, find out what kind of robot your kid would like, and try your best to make it in accordance with its image. Tinfoil is great for that metallic effect, while bottle caps make amazing buttons.

Additional ideas for a Halloween costume with leftover packing supplies

If office movers suburbs have helped with your relocation, chances are you have plenty of packing materials left. So, why stop at just three ideas? Let us give you some more to think about:

  • Spongebob Squarepants

Yellow, loveable and smiley. A great character to be, and an easy one to make. All you need is some paint, a few props, and a sturdy box. This is a costume that begs for the company from the rest of the cast: Sandy, Mr. Crabs, and/or Patrick, for kids or friends that are of similar age. These can also be Halloween costumes made with leftover packing materials. You will need a bit more crafting skills and patience, but it is feasible.

Caracters from Spongebob Squarepants
Who wouldn’t want to be a part of this happy bunch?
  • Rubik’s Cube

Ah, the minutes wasted trying to solve this logical conundrum. To be fair, there were people able to take care of it in a matter of minutes. We are not one of those people. However, we can make the Rubik’s Cube costume in lesser time. The simpler it is, the quicker it can be. However, if you want to make it mid-motion, it will take a bit more time and a few more boxes, but we believe it to be worth it.

  • Ballerina

You probably know only of two uses bubble paper has: it’s original one – calming your nerves by popping, and the second, less important one, cushioning material for packing. However, if you get a bit more creative, you can imagine that that bubble paper kind of resembles a tutu. Use a blet, string or ribbon to create the tutu, and tape the paper so that it hangs down from there. All it takes is a pink tank top and some ballet flats, and you or your kid are now have the perfect Halloween costume with leftover packing supplies.

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